So I semi-launched this last year, and it had a good response, but time ran away with me and I was never able to properly shoot all the days of my guide. Thankfully, I have a lot more time now I’m not working in a law firm, so here it is… (again.. kinda!)

My 30 Days of Happy guide is FREE.

I don’t want money for this, I just want this little PDF to spread some happy ideas. We live in a world so full of stress that it’s all to easy to forget the nice things in life that we can all attain regardless of financial status. Hopefully, this printable PDF will get stuck on your fridge, or cork board and remind you of the simpler things that we all can do to stay smiling.

If you take part, and post photos, use the hashtags on the PDF so I can like and comment on your snaps!

Download my PDF Guide: